Veronika Helfert

Postdoctoral Fellow

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Veronika Helfert holds a Ph.D. in History of the University of Vienna. She defended her Ph.D. dissertation, “'Women, wake up!' A Women’s and Gender History of Revolution and Council’s Movement in Austria, 1916/17–1924” in 2018. She received several prizes and grants (i.e. Prize for Ph.D. thesis of the Research network Gender & Agency, University of Vienna, the Theodor-Körner-Preis, Johanna Dohnal-Stipendium, and the Käthe Leichter Award). In 2021 her dissertation was published in the collection "L'Homme-Schriften".

From 2012 to 2016 Veronika Helfert was an Assistant Professor (pre-doc) in Modern History / Women’s and Gender History, and a Researcher (2018/19) at the University of Vienna, Austria, in a project funded by the Austrian Academy of Science (Project director: Peter Becker): “The Great Trans­formation. State and Municipal Administration in Vienna, 1918–1920”. Besides, she curated the exhibition “Political We Will be! 100 Years of Women’s Suffrage in Austria”, at the Austrian Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art in 2019 (Project directors: Johanna Gehmacher, Gabriella Hauch, and Maria Mesner). Her research interests are Women’s and Gender History, Protest and Revolution, Labour History, and History of the Public Administration in the 20th century.

Currently, she is a Research Affiliate at the Central European University, where she previously was a Postdoctoral Fellow  in the Project: ZARAH: Women’s labour activism in Eastern Europe and transnationally, from the age of empires to the late 20th century (ERC Advanced Grant; project start date 1 February 2020; Project director: Susan Zimmermann) and conducting the reserach project (funded by Stadt Wien Kultur): “Politics in the Saucepan”: The Federation of Democratic Women Austria between the Fronts of the Cold War”.


Mag.a: Diploma Studies in History, University of Vienna
Mag.a: Diploma Studies in German Philology, University of Vienna
Ph.D. in History, University of Vienna